
Category: Utility

Command: /avatar
Description: See Avatar of a Member.

Command: /banner
Description: See Banner of a Member.

Command: /id
Description: See ID of a Member.

Command: /servericon
Description: See Server's Icon.

Command: /serverbanner
See Server's Banner.

Command: /weather
Description: See Weather of a City.

Command: /pfp
See Random Pfps.

Command: /add-emoji
Description: Add Emojis to Your Server.

Command: /enlarge
Description: Enlarges a Emoji.

Command: /poll
Description: Make a Poll.

Command: /snipe
Description: Snipe a Deleted Message.

Command: /calculator
Description: Use Vivre's Calculator.

Command: /nick
Description: Set Nickname of a Member.

Command: /reset_nick
Description: Reset a Member's Nickname.

Command: /youtube
Description: Watch YouTube Together.

Command: /embed
Description: Make a Embed Message.

Feature: Fun

Command: /8ball
Description: Ask a question and get your answer.

Command: /meme
Description: View a meme.

Command: /coinflip
Description: Toss between you and your friends.

Command: /say
Description: Say anything as Vivre.

Command: /hack
Description: Hack a member for fun.

Command: /rate
Description: Let Vivre rate something for you.

Command: /ascii
Description: Converts a text to Ascii Art.

Command: /randomnumber
Description: Get a random number between 1-100.

Command: /howgay
Description: Tells you how gay mentioned member is.

Command: /simprate
Description: Tells you how simp mentioned member is.

Command: /cuterate

Description: Tells you how cute mentioned member is.

Command: /dumbrate
Description: Tells you how dumb mentioned member is.

Command: /uglyrate
Description: Tells you how ugly mentioned member is.

Commands: /smartrate
Description: Tells you how smart mentioned member is.

Command: /github
Description: View stats of a GitHub user.

Command: /pokemon
Description: View stats of a Pokemon.

Command: /ytstats
Description: View stats of a YouTube Channel.

Command: /translate
Description: Translate a word or a sentence.

Feature: Moderation

Command: /clear
Description: Delete messages.

Command: /warn
Description: Warn a member.

Command: /warnings
Description: See warnings of a member.

Command: /pardon
Description: Clear a single warning of a member.

Description: /pardon-all
Description: Clear all warnings of a member.

Command: /mute
Description: Mute a member

Command: /tempmute
Description: Temporarily mute a member.

Command: /unmute
Description: Unmute a member.

Command: /ban
Description: Ban a member.

Command: /unban
Unban a user.

Command: /kick
Description: Kick a member.

Command: /lock
Description: Lock a channel.

Command: /unlock
Description: Unlock a channel.

Command: /addrole
Description: Give a role to a member.

Command: /chat-filter
Description: Blacklist words to keep your chat clean.

Command: /removerole
Description: Remove a role from a member.

Feature: Welcome

Command: /set-welcome
Description: Set Welcome System (channel and message).

Command: /disable-welcome
Description: Disable Welcome System.

Command: /set-autorole
Description: Set Autoroles System.

Command: /autoroles
Description: See Autoroles.

Command: /disable-autoroles
Description: Disable Autoroles.

Variables: {user}
Mentions the user.

Displays Username + discriminator.

Displays username.

Displays the number of user who joined.

Shows server's name.

Feature: Giveaway

Command: /giveaway start
Description: Start a Giveaway.

/giveaway actions
Select a Option.

Giveaway Options:
1. End Giveaway.
Ends the Giveaway.

2. Pause Giveaway.
Pauses the Giveaway.

3. Resume Giveaway.
Resumes Giveaway.

4. Reroll Giveaway
Reroll Giveaways.

5. Delete Giveaway.
Deletes Giveaway.

Feature: Information

Command: /help
Description: Shows help command.

Command: /botinfo
Description: Shows bot's information.

Command /userinfo
Description: Shows user's information.
Command: /serverinfo
Description: Shows server's information.

Command: /roleinfo
Description: Shows role's information.

Command: /ping
Description: Shows you the bot's ping.

Command: /invite
Gives bot's invite link.

Command: /support
Description: Gives bot's server link.

Command: /roles
Description: Shows all the roles in the server.

Command: /uptime
Description: Shows uptime.

Command: /membercount
Description: Shows members count in the server.

Feature: Games

Command: /betrayal
Description: Play With Vivre.

Command: /fishington
Description: Play With Vivre.

Command: /poker-night
Description: Play Poker Night With Vivre.